I recently was honored to have been asked to have been apart of a memorial service in Bath. I do not take on funeral work for a variety of reasons that really requires a whole other blog entry which would not be exciting or interesting in the slightest. However, a memorial service, I consider so very different.
Maybe it is because of how I picture my own, which my husband says that I am crazy, but with vibrantly attired people dancing to great dance tunes such as Usher and Beyonnce, maybe even a little Diddy. (A side note: I realize that this statement makes me sound a heck of a lot younger than what I am; however consider it a genetic disposition as my father has a certain affinity for R and B as well, though at a first glance one would never guess.) More importantly, a memorial service seems to be a wonderful way to celebrate someones life, which with my business, I want to be there to celebrate life with others hidden amongst my flowers which hopefully bring joy and passion of design to their events.
With this said, after hearing about this incredible man from his family as well as researching his life as well on my own, I was pleased to take on this job and to be apart of this families day. With hundreds of people in attendance at a closed down Maine Maritime Museum, my design partner, who I can not say enough about, Alexandra Hollauer-Piltch, and I created lush organic floral arrangements per the clients request that were designed to encompass this man's style and life. We brought in elements of Maine which he loved, sticks, white hydrangeas, and ferns as well as a variety of greenhouse, French, double, and fringed white and cream tulips. The design was very fitting and I was very pleased that the family felt so passionately that there could be no other design that would have suited him better.
I could not help but wonder as the day progressed, "How will I be remembered?..." which I guess is a question that everyone asks from time to time. Once again, when the time comes for me, everyone put on your dancing shoes, and please, no black.