Well, I have gone missing again for a little bit, but not without good reason. I have been tied up in projects here and there and the occasional wedding and, well, I ran in the NYC marathon. I try not to write about much personal in my blog, but really, this was so monumental in my life, that I can not help but to blog about it as well. I have been a runner for most of my life and after 20 years, I was in need of a grand finale and what better finale than the NYC marathon. It was amazing and aside from marrying an amazing husband many years ago and having my two unbelievable children..well let's just way it was up there in the highlights of my life for sure. I was so fortunate to be a part of a wonderful organization, Fred's Team, which enabled me to run the marathon. Fred's Team raised over $4 million that has gone directly to the Sloan Kettering Cancer Research Center...I feel honored to have been able to help and contribute to the dream of the eradication of cancer. I was supported by Fred's Team of course the day of; however, my family was amazing throughout my journey and right up until the end. My kind mother mothered my children in Maine, my father idly sitting by his computer and the TV to watch my every mile, and my dearest flower covered brother watched at various pit stops throughout the race (pictures will have to be in a blog at some point!) with last, but so very not finally least, my simply outstanding husband who supported my every step throughout my training and race. I feel so fortunate to have been able to make this dream a reality and feel even more fortunate to have such a wonderful family.
I guess that that is probably one of the many reasons why I love what I do. I still believe in the institution of marriage and family. I have been blessed with a wonderful support system (they are all crazy and so very imperfect, but who in life is not just that). And eight years ago, I became the luckiest woman to have enriched my life even more by marrying my husband. For lack of leaving out a cliche in this very sappy blog, "..he completes me..", but better than that, makes me a better person. So when we live in a world where the statistics do not look so hot for the institution of marriage, I still have great hope for that bond and the life of a family.
Anywho,,, now I will update you on the more professional details of weddings, fashion shows and images soon to come of some personal flower installations...
All the best,